Attention Cheshire Residents, The Annual Census went out by mail on January 21.
Please carefully review the information, sign the bottom, and send it back as soon as possible.
It is very important to respond to the Census! Please note any changes that apply to your household on the Census Form, or include a signed note.
If you are a seasonal/part-time resident of Cheshire, please designate your Occupation as “Seasonal”.
If your household includes members whom you do not live with, or you received multiple Census Forms when everyone should be listed under the same household, please note this.
If you received a Census, but no longer live in Cheshire, please note this on your form, sign it, and send it back.
If you are a Cheshire resident and did not receive a Census, please contact Town Clerk, Whitney Flynn at (413)743-1690 X104.
Thank you for your prompt response! Please reach out with any questions!