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Chief Procurement Officer

The Town Administrator works under the direction of the Board of Selectmen and shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer. The Town Administrator performs highly responsible work of a complex nature, requiring the exercise of considerable independent judgment and initiative in providing professional guidance to the Board of Selectmen, department heads, town departments, boards and committees concerning the development, implementation, and administration of policies, goals, regulations, and statuatory requirements related to the administration and operation of the Town. The Town Administrator has direct supervisory responsibility for all department heads reporting to the Board of Selectmen, clerical staff, and several part-time positions and is responsible for coordinating the work and administrative activities of those employees not reporting directly to the Board of Selectmen. Additionally, the Town Administrator oversees and is responsible for planning, administration, personnel management, union negotiations, procurement of services and equipment (serving as the Chief Procurement Officer), and coordination of the daily operation of the Town as delegated by the Board of Selectmen, existing policies, proceedures and bylaws, as well as state and federal law.

Contact Info

Town Offices
191 Church St
Cheshire, MA 01225
United States
Google Maps

Phone: (413) 743-1690 ext. 100
Email: [email protected]

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Town Administrator/Chief Procurement Officer

Jennifer Morse

Phone: (413) 743-1690 ext. 100
Email: [email protected]

Term Expires 2027


Executive Assistant

Mia Francesconi

Phone: (413) 743-1690 ext. 101
Email: [email protected]

Office Hours:  Monday - Wednesday 9:00 AM - 3 p.m. 

Invitations for Bids

The Town of Cheshire invites sealed Bids for Roadway Resurfacing Summer 2024 for full depth roadway construction, pavement milling and overlay, ledge removal on Ingalls Road, Stewart White Road, Yorkshire Drive, Wiltshire Drive, Curran Road, Devonshire Drive.  MassDOT prequalification of contractors will the class of works as, Pavement Resurfacing, for the project with an estimated  value of $1,030,710 will be required.  


Sealed bids plainly marked “Roadway Resurfacing Summer 2024 – Cheshire, MA”, may be submitted to the Town of Cheshire, Chief Procurement Officer – Jennifer Morse,  191 Church Street, Cheshire, MA  01225 until April 22, 2024, at 2 PM at which time they will be publicly opened and read, submit original and one copy.


The Town of Cheshire, invites sealed Bids for 10% Liquid Asphalt Surface Treatment (Chip Sealing) on  School Street, Dean Street, Eastview Drive and Richmond Street.  MassDOT prequalification of contractors will the class of works as, Pavement Surfacing, for the project with an estimated  value of $97,642 will be required. 

Sealed bids, plainly marked “Chip Sealing Summer 2024 – Cheshire, MA”, may be submitted to the Town of Cheshire, Chief Procurement Officer – Jennifer Morse,  191 Church Street, Cheshire, MA  01225 until May 1, 2024 at 2 PM at which time they will be publicly opened and ready, submit original and one copy.