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From Left to Right: Art Kaufman (Alternate), Peter Traub, Aaron Singer, Dan Skorcz, and Francis Griswold

Not Pictured: Amy McCarthy

The Planning Board is an elected board of 5 regular members, with appointed alternates, and their function is to make careful studies of the resources, possibilities and needs of the town, particularly with respect to conditions injurious to the public health or otherwise in and about rented dwellings, and make plans for the development of the municipality, with special reference to proper housing of its inhabitants.

Contact Info

Cheshire Community House/Town Offices
191 Church Street
Cheshire, MA 01225
United States
Google Maps

Phone: (413) 743-1690 x. 114
Email: [email protected]

Board Members


Aaron Singer

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires 2025


Francis Griswold

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires 2027


Peter Traub

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires 2029


Dan Skorcz

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires 2026


Amy McCarthy

Term Expires 2028

Records of Proceedings